As technology develops , LED street light can have more functions than the triditional HPS street light , and the city lighting have more requirements for dimming , control , detection of the street lighting fixtures .

Smart LED street light can have the functions as following :
1. Group or individual control
The LED street lights can be devided to groups , and control by group . And each lamp can be controlled individually , dimming and on off .
2. Time control
Different times show different brightness and on off .
3. Status and defective detection
The system can detect which led street light have damaged , the working status like power , voltage , PF ...
Difference for ordinary LED street light and smart LED street light
1. Smart LED street light must use dimmable LED driver , ordinary ones don't need
2. Smart LED street light must have smart controller , ordinary ones don't need
So to make LED street light smart , should have dimmable driver and smart controller , currently the popular ways is to have nema base or zhaga base , and the the photocell or smart controller can plug in the nema base or zhaga base .

As the smart controller and system can be expensive , some customer may first have the LED street light ready for smart controller , have the nema base or zhaba base , and when future needs the controller ,just order the controller would be OK .
For the smart LED street light solutions , we can offer different solution as following :